Friday, March 16, 2012

Testing clover with r600g

Compute support with clover and r600g has been progressing very nicely over the last few months. This is due to some great work by EVOC student Francisco Jerez on the clover state tracker and gallium compute interface, and also Ádám Rák who wrote an r600g compute implementation. With these pieces in place it is possible to run simple OpenCL programs using clover and r600g! Here is what you can do to try it out:

** UPDATE: Installation instructions can now be found here.

After all that you should be ready to go. I have posted some simple OpenCL programs here. Most of these should work with clover and r600g.
There is still a lot of work left to do, so don't be surprised if your favorite OpenCL program doesn't work, but I am excited about the work that has been done so far, and I'm optimistic the open source compute stack will continue to improve.